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Word2Vec Skip-gram Implementation


Word2Vec is a technique to learn word embeddings using neural networks. The primary goal is to represent words in a continuous vector space where semantically similar words are mapped to nearby points. Word2Vec can be implemented using two main architectures:

  1. Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW): Predicts the target word based on the context words (surrounding words).
  2. Skip-gram: Predicts the context words based on a given target word.

In this example, we focus on the Skip-gram approach, which is more commonly used in practice. The Skip-gram model tries to maximize the probability of context words given a target word.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Usage
  3. Initialization
  4. Tokenization
  5. Generate Training Data
  6. Training
  7. Retrieve Word Vector
  8. Explanation of the Code
  9. References


Ensure you have Python installed. You can install the necessary dependencies using pip:

pip install numpy



Define the parameters for the Word2Vec model:

  • window_size: Defines the size of the context window around the target word.
  • embedding_dim: Dimension of the word vectors (embedding space).
  • learning_rate: Rate at which weights are updated.


The tokenize method creates a vocabulary from the documents and builds mappings between words and their indices.

Generate Training Data

The generate_training_data method creates pairs of target words and context words based on the window size.


The train method initializes the weight matrices and updates them using gradient descent.

For each word-context pair, it computes the hidden layer representation, predicts context probabilities, calculates the error, and updates the weights.

Retrieve Word Vector

The get_word_vector method retrieves the embedding of a specific word.

Explanation of the Code


  • Parameters:
  • window_size: Size of the context window around the target word.
  • embedding_dim: Dimension of the word vectors (embedding space).
  • learning_rate: Rate at which weights are updated.


  • The tokenize method creates a vocabulary from the documents.
  • Builds mappings between words and their indices.

Generate Training Data

  • The generate_training_data method creates pairs of target words and context words based on the window size.


  • The train method initializes the weight matrices.
  • Updates the weights using gradient descent.
  • For each word-context pair:
  • Computes the hidden layer representation.
  • Predicts context probabilities.
  • Calculates the error.
  • Updates the weights.

Softmax Function

  • The softmax function converts the output layer scores into probabilities.
  • Used to compute the error and update the weights.

Retrieve Word Vector

  • The get_word_vector method retrieves the embedding of a specific word.


  1. Word2Vec - Google
  2. Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space
  3. Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality

This README file provides a comprehensive overview of the Word2Vec Skip-gram implementation, including installation instructions, usage details, and an explanation of the code.