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A custom implementation of a StandardScaler class for scaling numerical data in a pandas DataFrame or NumPy array. The class scales the features to have zero mean and unit variance.


  • fit: Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the data.
  • transform: Scale the data to have zero mean and unit variance.
  • fit_transform: Fit the scaler and transform the data in one step.
  • get_params: Retrieve the mean and standard deviation calculated during fitting.


  1. __init__(self)
    • Initializes the StandardScaling class.
    • No parameters are required.
  2. fit(self, data)
    • Calculates the mean and standard deviation of the data.
    • Parameters:
      • data (pandas.DataFrame or numpy.ndarray): The data to fit.
    • Raises:
      • TypeError: If the input data is not a pandas DataFrame or NumPy array.
  3. transform(self, data)
    • Transforms the data to have zero mean and unit variance.
    • Parameters:
      • data (pandas.DataFrame or numpy.ndarray): The data to transform.
    • Returns:
      • numpy.ndarray: The scaled data.
    • Raises:
      • Error: If transform is called before fit or fit_transform.
  4. fit_transform(self, data)
    • Fits the scaler to the data and transforms the data in one step.
    • Parameters:
      • data (pandas.DataFrame or numpy.ndarray): The data to fit and transform.
    • Returns:
      • numpy.ndarray: The scaled data.
  5. get_params(self)
    • Retrieves the mean and standard deviation calculated during fitting.
    • Returns:
      • dict: Dictionary containing the mean and standard deviation.
    • Raises:
      • Error: If get_params is called before fit.

Error Handling

  • Raises a TypeError if the input data is not a pandas DataFrame or NumPy array in the fit method.
  • Raises an error if transform is called before fit or fit_transform.
  • Raises an error in get_params if called before fit.

Use Case

Use Case




No special installation is required. Just ensure you have pandas and numpy installed in your Python environment.